Sunday, November 19, 2017

Hey guys! So for tomorrow please report at 12PM at the canteen. PLEASE BE ON TIME as there will be a bus waiting for us so we cannot be late!!! Remember to bring your scores, water bottle, scores and also bring money if you want to purchase the tickets. Memorise the scores!!! Wear choir tee AND make sure to find the purple dress and slash!!! 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Hello!!! So there will be choir practice tomorrow from 9am-1pm, at the av theatre!!! PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL YA!!! Also, please memorise your scores by tomorrow! If you are not coming or gonna be late, inform the committees and submit a parent’s letter or MC. DON’T wait for us to call or text you. Remember to bring your scores, water bottle, pencil and CHOIR FUND!!! BEHAVE yourselves tomorrow okay!!! Rest well and see y’all tomorrow!!!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Hi choir tmr will be from 2-6 at av theatre!! Pls be punctual, and if ur nt coming or will be late tmr pls inform de commitees!!As usual bring ur scores, pencil and water bottle! Rmb to memories the songs okay!! And pls respect the commitees. And if ur nt coming pls pass ur mc de next session, and be srs, few more weeks to go (: pls take care of urself domt be sick and try not to miss any choir session okay!? Sleep early and take care pass me $1 fr ur this month and for those who havent pay me last month pls wuickly give me!! See you guys tmr

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Hi choir, tmr audition pls reach at 2.45 as early as possible hehehe be punctual tmr pls!! Audition and prepare atlease one song for tmr okay incase uk eheheh pay me choir fund by tmr $1 seeyou all tmr pls inform the comitees if ur nt coming or whatsoever


Thursday, September 14, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr from 2-4 at the harmony room!! If not coming give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , last choir session was noisy, Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores!! Pls be more punctual!h Okay see yall tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hello choir, tmr choir will be from 9.45-12.30 at the harmony room, pls come punctually for sec1s tt have to go for ur trip in the morning your excused but those tt have thwir trip in the afternoon ur not HAHAH WEAR CHOIR TEE AND THRS STILL A FEW PPL TT HAVENT PAY CHOIR FUND LAST MONTH PLS DO! AND ALSO PASS ME THIS MONTH CHOIR FUND, $1!! PLS COME TMR AND TAKE CARE THANKS


Sunday, August 27, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr from 3-6 at the harmony room!! If not coming give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , altho last choir session was not bad! Just al little convo here and there, Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores esp for jap songs for those tt changed sessions plls go memories and also bring jap song scores, Pls be more punctual! Tmr we'll be having pt pls wear pe shorts not fbt NOT FBT!? Okay see yall tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Sunday, August 20, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr from 3-6 at the harmony room!! If not coming give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , altho last choir session was not bad! Just al little convo here and there, Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores esp for jap songs for those tt changed sessions plls go memories and also bring jap song scores, Pls be more punctual! Okay see yall tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Sunday, August 13, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr from 3-6 at the harmony room!! Remember to bring your pencil case, scores and water bottle, otherwise there will be consequences. If not coming give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , altho last choir session was not bad! Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores!! Pls be more punctual! Okay see yall tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Thursday, August 10, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr from 2-4 at the harmony room!! If not coming give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , last choir session was rlly very noisy, Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores!! Pls be more punctual!h Okay see yall tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Sunday, August 6, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr from 3-6 at the harmony room!! If not coming give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , altho last choir session was not bad! Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores!! Pls be more punctual! Okay see yall tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Thursday, August 3, 2017

heyy choirr! sorry for updatinng very late again, tmr choir will be from2-4 at harmony room , bring ur pencil,scores and waterbottle as usual , if ur gonna be late or not comiingg pls inform us earlier ,and give us ur reason, pls give ur mc if u did nnot attend last choir session , and yaz choir tee tmr !! memories ur scores okay, and lastly choir fund for this month and for those that havent pay me for last month ,okay take care and please listen to mr wong!seeyall tmr


Sunday, July 30, 2017

Heyy chooir , tomorrow there will be choir from 3-6pm at the harmony room , please be punctual and if ur coming late or not coming please inform us beforehand and give us a valid reason , and if u didnt attend choir last wk give ur mc .and pplease be more quiet, rmb to read through ur scores and memorize ur scores ,and bring ur scores pencil and bottless !and pay me $1 for the next month choir fund !! see yall tmr ,take care!!


Thursday, July 27, 2017

HElloo chhoir !! sorry for updating late !!! so sorry , tmr choir will be from 2-4 at harmony room !! wear choir tee and wear pe shorts cz we having pt !! nt coming or cominng late pls inform us and give us ur reason !! bring scores waterbottles and pencil , and those tt havent pay choir fund !! pay me tmr ! must ah , take care and see you all tmr


Sunday, July 23, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr from 3-6 as usual at the harmony room!! If not coming give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , altho last choir session was not bad! Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores!! Pls be more punctual! Okay see yall tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Thursday, July 20, 2017

hello choir!! there will be choir practice tomorrow from 2-4 at the harmony room, PLEASE RMB TO BRING YOUR SCORES ,WATERBOTTLES AND PENCIL!!And go through your scores pleasee, if your not coming tmr pls find the teacher in charge to inform them and if ur coming late pls inform us and pls give a valid reason , and WEAR CHOIR TEE!!and rmb to submit parents letter or mc if u didnt come for the last choir practice and PASS ME CHOIR FUND $1 if u havent !seeyoualll!! rest welllll


Sunday, July 16, 2017

 Helllo choir!! Tmr choir from 3-6 as usual at the harmony room!! Remember to bring your scores, water bottle and pencil. If not coming, give mc ,if late pls inform us before hand and pls pass ur mc if u didnt attend choir last wk. And pls be more quiet when practicing , altho last choir session was not bad! Rmb to read through ur scoress and memorize ur scores!! Pls try to be more punctual! Okay see all of u tmr, and pay me $1 for choir fund tmr!! Take care ((:


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Hello choirrr!! there will be choir practice tomorrow from 2-4 PM at the harmony room!! PLEASE RMB TO BRING YOUR SCORES ,WATER BOTTLES AND PENCILS !! and rmb to go through your scoress also!if your not coming tomorrow or coming late , please inform the committees yass and also rmb to SUBMIT A MC OR PARENT LETTER the next choir practice and remember to pass me choir fund $1 !! see you guys tomorroww !! rest well ya


Sunday, July 9, 2017

Hello choir. There will be choir practice from 3-6 PM tomorrow, at the harmony room. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR SCORES, WATER BOTTLE AND PENCILS! Go through your scores tonight okay! If you are not coming or coming late tomorrow, please inform the committees AND submit a MC or a parents letter the next choir practice. Remember to give choir fund, $1, to xiuwen. See y'all tomorrow at 3PM!


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Hello choir. There will be choir tomorrow at the AV theatre from 1-4 PM. Please bring your scores, water bottle and pencil. If you are going to be late, please TAKE THE INITIATIVE to inform the committees, don't wait for us to go ask you why AND submit a MC or parents letter on the next choir practice. Please go through the scores at least once tonight. okay see y'all tomorrow. PLEASE BE ON TIME!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Hello choir!! There will be choir rehearsal from 12PM - 10PM at the esplanade. Please be in school by 12PM (or even better 11.50AM), we may leave early if the bus is here. You may bring extra food like snacks and biscuits, but NOT chicken rice or Macdonald etc. Bring your scores, water bottle (filled) and pencil!! If you are not coming, please inform any of the committees and provide an MC or parents letter. Rest early and see y'all tomorrow!!


Sunday, June 4, 2017

hello choir . there will be rehearsal tomorrow from  9-11.30am (might be delayy )at the halll, bring the usual stuff your dress ,black shoe ,scores ,waterbottle and pencil , pls iron your purple dress, and please dont be late tomorrow if not the bus wont wait for you .if your not coming or will be late , tell any of the committee and give your MC or parents letter next rehearsal, please behave tomorrow and be punctual ,see you guys tomorrw and rest well.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Hello choir. There will be rehearsal from 7.15 AM - 1.30 PM (or maybe abit later). Report to 2E2 classroom. There will be curtain call at 8.20 AM, so please be on time. Bring your scores, water bottle, pencil, and your dresses (not crumpled) and sash tied according to the picture that we send to yall. PLEASE remember to iron your dresses ya. For those of you who knows how to tie braid please tie it yourself at home. Remember to bring your black flats!! For your dresses, you can either wear it to school or bring to school then change into it. Most importantly, make sure that it is ironed straight!! If you are not coming tomorrow, or coming late, please tell any of the committees and provide an MC or parents letter. See y'all tomorrow!!


Thursday, June 1, 2017

hello choir! please report to 2E2 CLASSROOM  at 8.30am tomorrow . please bring your PURPLE DRESS and BLACK FLATS tomorrow and also BRING SCORES,WATERBOTTLES AND PENCIL . please be PUNCTUAL and if your not coming or will be late please inform any of the COMMITTEES and provide an MC or parents letter. and also please look through your scores esp. the sec1s for jap song!! rest well and see  yall tomorrow!!


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Hello choir. Im sorry for updating the blog late again!! So there will be rehearsal from 8AM - 3 PM, report to the HALL not AV theatre. Please bring the usual stuff, your scores, water bottle and pencil. REMEMBER TO WRITE SOLFEGE FOR THE NEW SONG!! If you are coming late or not coming, please tell any of the committees and provide an MC or parents letter. Wear any Damai approved shirt tomorrow. AND if you do not have black flats, please go and get them before Friday as yall will be needing the black flats for the full dress rehearsal on Friday. Rest early and see y'all tomorrow!!


Monday, May 29, 2017

Hello choir!! I am so sorry for updating the blog late!! There will be choir bonding session with BNSS from 2PM - 3.45 PM. Report to the AV theatre. No need to bring scores BUT please remember to write down the solfege for the new song!! Please also remember to wear choir tee tomorrow and try not to be late ya. IF you are coming late or not coming tomorrow, PLEASE inform any of the committees and remember to provide us an MC or parents letter. Rest early and see yall tomorrow!! :)


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

HELLO CHOIR!! There will be choir tomorrow from 1.15 PM-6.30 PM (or even earlier). All of us should be ending school at 12.30 PM so please have a quick lunch and gather in the hall BY 1.15 PM. Please try not to be late and please come tomorrow as the rehearsal is really important!! IF you are going to be late or you will not be coming for choir tomorrow, PLEASE inform any of the choir committees and remember to provide an MC or parents letter. Bring your SCORES, WATER BOTTLE AND PENCIL!! You guys can choose to bring a storybook or homework during the waiting time. Yall can leave your bags in the AV, I will be leaving to door open so yall can go in and put your bags and please look through your scores.. (especially the Sec 1s). I hope that tomorrow's attendance would be as good as it was on Monday ya!! REST WELL AND SEE YALL TOMORROW !!


Sunday, May 21, 2017

HII CHOIR!!there will be choir tomorrow from 2.30-6.30 at the hall , those that will be release at 1.30 MUST NOT be late,and those that will be release at 2.30 have a quick lunch and gather at 2.50 or better even earlier, PLEASE try not to be late and please come tomorrow !! attendance is impt tomorrow if not you wont know wht to do the next rehearsal , those that are not coming for choir or will be late for choir inform any one of the commitee, BRING SCORES , WATERBOTTLES AND PENCIL!!! please be more quiet tomorrow ,and yall can leave your bags at AV and i hope to see full attendance tomorrow okayy , look through SCORES AND DETAILS , see yall tomorrow , rest wellll everyonee!! AND DONT NEED TO BRING DRESS TMR!!

-xiu wen

Thursday, May 18, 2017

HELLO CHOIR! There will be choir tomorrow from 1pm to 4pm at AV theatre. please dont be late !if you're NOT COMING or COMING LATE ,please tell the committees beforehand don't tell after choir or during . if your not coming please give us your MC or parents letter .if your comiing late ttell the committees the reason .ANDDD remember to bring your SCORE,PENCILS and WATER BOTTLES !! bring your own JACKET if you need . OH YA AND please WEAR CHOIR TEE TMR!!!! err and look through your SCORES and the DETAILS !! pleaseeee dont bee late tomorrow okayyyy. Rest welll see yall tomorrow

the new committees are :
President :JiaEn
Logistics:kah hui and Pearlyn
Secretary:me and Xinyun
Student conductor:weiwen
sop leader:Wingkei and Jaylyn
alto leader:Weiwen and Afrah

-Xiu Wen

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

HELLOOO CHOIR!! This is probably gonna be my LAST blogpost for yall but HAAHAHA yay? So choir finally resumes yas? next lap ESPLANADE CONCERT so lets do this well together okay. Report to the AV THEATRE tomorrow at 3pm until 430pm maybe will have slight delay till latest 5pm? because y'all will be getting your purple dress which we will be wearing them for esplanade concert so ye :-) There's no need to bring SCORES or any choir related material as we'll start our proper practise with Mr Wong on Friday and it'll be farewell party for the sec 4s heh :> Make sure to come tomorrow okay attendance is compulsory! if you're not coming, make sure you provide an MC or parents letter. If you're coming late, no? you shouldnt even be coming late for choir. Remember our punishment for being late ya! Since there's no singing tomorrow, it does not means that yall dont have to refresh your memorise aka practise the scores so all must go and look through scores. Especially sec 1s, yall better memorise the scores okay the concert is less than 1 month away so go memorise. Come early or worse still on time okay. Really dont wanna see anyone late tomorrow without valid reasons. Those who HAVENT RETURN SYF DRESS, please do so tomorrow. REST WELL AND SEE YALL TOMORROW heh.

-Jessieee :>

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Hello Choir!! There'll be choir tomorrow from 1pm for the Sec 1s and 145 for the rest until 4pm! If you're coming late or not coming tomorrow, please drop any of the committee a text stating why you'll be late or not coming BEFOREHAND ya dont last minute. Submit your MC/Parents letter if you werent here the previous session. Bring your SCORES, WATER BOTTLE, PENCIL, NOTEBOOK and jacket if you need. Revise through all 3 songs ya not only the Jap song okay... Mr Wong was not happy with us the previous session so lets not piss him off ya (': lets go and memorise the Jap song +++ DETAILS and also revise Bungah sayang and as torrents! It's your level camp next week for the Sec 1-3 and SYF is LESS than a month away so lets do this guys. Enjoy your camp and please also do your part in practising for SYF :-) Sec 1s pay up for $25 if you have not. And also $0.30 to Jeslyn if you have not. That's it. BE ON TIME TOMORROW.

-Jessie :-)

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Hello Choir!! There will be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV for EVERYONE. Inform the committees or the teachers if you're not coming choir or coming late + reasons of course. No one is going to know why you're not here if you don't tell ya. Submit your MC/Parents letter if you WERENT here for the March Holiday practises. Bring your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and jacket if you need. Remember Mr Wong said we need to memorise the Jap song by tomorrow (': so ya hurry go and memorise guys i know its hard lah the lyrics all... but yall can search for the youtube video of it ya! It'll help. Don't neglect your Bungah Sayang and As torrents in summer okay. Go and revise through all 3 songs. Lets be great so Mr Wong won't be angry tomorrow ye :> He happy, You happy, I happy, Everybody happy!!! SYF is EXACTLY 1 month away so YAS GUYS lets be motivated and push ourselves!! Pay up your $0.30 to Jeslyn if you have not. That's it REST WELL and see yall tomorrow! 

-Jessie :-) 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV theatre. Coming late or not coming please inform any of the committees and submit your MC/Parents letter if you weren't present the previous sessions. Bring all your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you need. Revise through your BUNGAH SAYANG, AS TORRENTS IN SUMMER and SORA NO SUTATORAIN ya Mr Wong got send the recording so remember to go and listen and be VERY SURE of your parts ya if not he'll be angry and start nagging at us again so go and listen now okay. Sec 1s please bring your $25 for the choir dress and everyone else, pay up your $0.30 to jeslyn if you have not and last but not least, SIGN the BLUE FORM regardless of whether you're coming for choir during the March Holiday or not. REST WELL and see yall tomorrow.

-Jessie :-)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV theatre. Text either one of the committees to let us know if you're going to be late or not coming due to various VALID REASON. If you werent here the previous session, MC/Parents letter to Melanie. Don't make her chase after you. Bring all of your choir stuffs, SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you need. Revise through your BUNGAH SAYANG, AS TORRENTS IN SUMMER and also SORA NO STATORAIN especially those parts where we recently learnt ya, go listen to Mr Wong's recording and familiarise yourself with the tune and key. Sec 1s please remember to bring your $25 for the dress ya. Pay Jeslyn the $0.30 tomorrow and that's it see y'all tomorrow. REST WELL.

-Jessie :-)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 1pm for the Sec 1s and from 145pm for the rest until 4pm! Give any of the committee a text with your VALID REASON stated if you're coming late or not able to come. Submit your PARENTS LETTER/MC if you weren't present the previous session to Melanie. Remember to bring your SCORES ya it's not convenient to share scores and you'll miss out on details if you don't bring scores so bring. PENCIL, no sharing of pencils are allowed so get your own pencil. WATER BOTTLE, y'all need to hydrate yourself if not y'all will say throat very dry and stuff so bring. NOTEBOOK, Mr Wong don't use it anymore ah nowadays but just bring incase he suddenly ask for it and lastly, JACKET, if you're afraid of the cold. Audition is over but y'all are still needed to practice all the 3 SYF songs alright, bungah sayang, as torrents in summer and sora no statorain. Reminder, the tailor is coming tomorrow at 215pm for the LAST measurement tomorrow. Basically all sec 1s, Xin Leng and Jia yu needs to be in choir tomorrow at that timing if not y'all must go to the shop on your own so come choir. Pay CHOIR FUND that's it all the best to the rest of your CTs. Rest well :-)

-Jessie :-)

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV theatre. Inform the committee if you're coming late or not coming with VALID REASONS. Submit your MC or parents letter if you weren't here the previous session. Bring all your SCORES, WATER BOTTLE, PENCIL, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you think you need. GOOD JOB for most of you that passed your SYF audition!! and those who did not... don't be disheartened, y'all will have another chance in 2019 :-) i'm sure y'all will pass for sure for the next time round and don't take Mr Wong's words to heart ya I believe he was being absolutely insensitive although he said "I'm sorry to say this" and all ya we're all angry with what he says so its okay!! cheer up and still practice Bungah sayang, as torrents and also japanese song ya syf is coming even if your audition was just over and to those who are going to audition tomorrow, goooood luck. Remember to pass Jeslyn the additional $0.30 and pay CHOIR FUND to me ya! That's it, rest well and see yall tomorrow

-Jessie :-)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 1pm to 4pm at the AV! Inform any of the committee your VALID reasons if you're coming late or not coming tomorrow okay. If you were absent the previous session, please bring your MC or Parents letter to submit to Melanie. As usual, please bring your CHOIR SORES, PENCIL, NOTEBOOK, WATER BOTTLE and jacket if you need ah. Our THIRD AND FINAL audition is tomorrow according to Mr Wong... So ya guys please go through the BUNGAH SAYANG and AS TORRENTS ya! Try your best for the last part of Bungah Sayang even though Mr Wong didnt record it for us (': Remember your dynamics and all alright I know it's easier said than done but let's just try our best (': Pay me CHOIR FUND tomorrow too! That's it see y'all tomorrow.

-Jessie :-)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV! Inform the committees BEFORE CHOIR STARTS if you're not coming or coming late due to whatever reasons! Just a text to any of the committee will do but really, please indicate WHY you're not coming. If you weren't here the previous session, please submit your MC or Parents letter ya don't make Melanie or Mrs Ang chase after you for it. Basic responsibility. As usual, bring all of your SCORES, PENCIL, NOTEBOOK, WATER BOTTLE and Jacket if you think you need so you won't freeze to death in the AV. As we all know... MOST OF US FAILED the audition last Monday :-( so yeah guys take the time now to go through the scores, memorise it, sing it again and again with Mr Wong's recording of other sections!! Lets aim to pass tomorrow yeah so that we'll get in SYF together :-) Don't forget the details such as dynamics level and all yea. Please bring $13 for the CHOIR TEE and pay them to JESLYN. MUST BRING OKAY and also start paying your FEBRUARY CHOIR FUND to me tomorrow!! I think that's about it :) REST WELL and all the best for tomorrow. See you.

-Jessie :-)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Hello Choir!! There'll be choir tomorrow from 1pm for the SEC 1s and 145pm to 4pm for the rest!! If you're going to miss choir or coming late due to various VALID reasons, please give the committees a text BEFORE CHOIR STARTS and indicate why you're going to miss choir or coming late and pass up your MC/PARENTS LETTER when you're back the next choir session alright. As usual, bring your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and jacket if you think you need. As y'all know, the audition results were totally not good ya... so go on practice your parts, sing to yourself with Mr Wong's recordings ya and when you think you're sure of your parts, try to sing with other section's part and try not to get distracted!! I know it's tough but SYF is coming so we need to do this together alright !! So work hard and get in SYF together yeahhh :-))))) work on your memory and don't forget the details, when to crescendo and your dynamics level and so on!! Don't have to pay choir fund tomorrow!! Pay me on NEXT MONDAY please. REST WELL and all the best to those auditioning tomorrow.

-Jessie :-)

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV theatre! If you're coming late or not coming, please inform any of the committee members BEFORE CHOIR STARTS + VALID REASON and submit your MC or parents letter if you were absent the previous session. Bring all your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and jacket if you need. Just so you know, AUDITION IS TOMORROW (': so PLEASE PLEASE go and MEMORISE YOUR BUNGAH SAYANG AND AS TORRENTS IN SUMMER!!! Tune, lyrics, details please memorise all properly alright so you won't fail and have to audition again next monday :/ But don't so stressed lah because there's still one more chance next monday!! try to practise singing with Mr Wong's recording to know your parts and practise with other sections to see how much you've remembered and what are needed to be improved. Pay February CHOIR FUND ya to me! REST WELL, ALL THE BEST FOR TOMORROW and see y'all tomorrow!

-Jessie :-)

Thursday, February 2, 2017

WELCOME SEC 1s TO THE CHOIR FAMILY !!! Hello choir, there'll be choir tomorrow from 1pm for the SEC 1s as Mr Wong wants to teach y'all on the basics of choral singing and everyone else is to report at 145pm to 4pm at the AV THEATRE. If you are not coming or coming late, please text the committees BEFORE CHOIR STARTS + VALID REASON so that we can take note of you and also submit your MC/Parents letter if you weren't present the previous session. Bring your usual stuffs, SCORES, PENCIL, NOTEBOOK, WATER BOTTLE and jacket if you think you can't bear with the cold. MEMORISE your BUNGAH SAYANG, AS TORRENTS IN SUMMER and also the Japanese song alright your audition is NEXT WEEK!! So ya if you wanna get in SYF, work hard and practice the tuning, lyrics and details of course! AND of course, pay your JANUARY AND FEBRUARY CHOIR FUND yes some of you still have not paid your JAN choir fund so please pay up tomorrow! and Sec 1s y'all will start to pay choir fund from this month onwards it'll be $1 a month unless stated otherwise! so please start paying me tomorrow okay! Ask me if you're unsure whether you paid for January or not okay! REST WELL and see you guys tomorrow! please bring all the stuffs I mentioned above. I dont wanna see anyone of you without any of those tomorrow. 

-Jessie :-) 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir from 3pm to 6pm tomorrow at the AV theatre. Inform the committees beforehand + your valid reason if you're coming late or not coming at all. If you're not coming, hand in your MC or Parents letter to Melanie. Remember to bring your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you think you need ah. START MEMORISING your BUNGAH SAYANG and AS TORRENTS IN SUMMER and also familiarise yourself with SORA NO STATORAIN. Start packing your bags as you're reading this so you won't forget anything okay. I dont wanna see anyone not bringing anything tomorrow so no excuses. PAY ME your JANUARY CHOIR FUND yup and actually can start paying for February also le!! Clarify with me for the amount you need to pay. That's it. Rest well and see all of you tomorrow :)

-Jessie :-)  

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 1pm to 4pm at the AV theatre. Inform the committee beforehand if you're coming late or not coming with your valid reasons being stated. Do encourage your friends to come choir okai :( Submit your MC/Parents letter if you were absent the previous session. As usual, remember to bring your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you think you need. You know our audition is approaching real quick ya after Chinese New Year!! so better start memorising your Bungah Sayang and As Torrents In Summer okay +++++ ALL THE DETAILS. Also familiarise yourself with Sora-no Statorain alright!! Please pack your bag and bring what I stated above okay I really don't wanna scold y'all :/ so just bring everything and do things right so you wont get scolded ah. Pay up your $25 if you have not and JANUARY CHOIR FUND please pay me ya MOST OF YOU have not paid yet so I'll be waiting tomorrow please approach me to pay or clarify if you're not sure whether you paid or not okay. That should be it ah so be more responsible and come on time okay :-) REST WELL and see y'all tomorrow!

-Jessie :-)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV theatre. If you're coming late or not coming, please inform the committee BEFORE choir starts so that we'll know where you are and why you're not here so be responsible and inform us. Bring your MC/Parents letter if you were absent the previous session alright. As usual, bring your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you think you need yup. If you forget to bring scores, you know the punishment yourself ah its running rounds. And you need to revise through your Bungah Sayang, As torrens in summer and start memorising them as the audition is approaching and I believe y'all wanna get in SYF right??? so yes please start memorising not only the lyrics, tune but also the details! Pay up your $25 for the dress if you have not done so BY TOMORROW. Of course, JANUARY CHOIR FUND ! please don't make me chase after you all the time (': it's not fun ya because I'm not always a free person to do all these. If you claim you don't know whether you paid so you didnt approach me to pay, YOU CAN TEXT ME TO CLARIFY :-) One last thing, y'all know y'all were EXTREMELY NOISY the previous sessions. Like when Mr Wong is talking, y'all talk also. Like that Mr Wong talk then who listen? Be respectful and listen when someone is talking :-) keep the small non-urgent talks to during breaks or after choir. OR if you REALLY wanna talk like you REALLY have to tell your friends something at that point of time, you MAY do it but WHISPER SOFTLY to those near you but not whisper a 'soft' whisper across the room. Not saying y'all have no freedom to talk ya but just be more considerate alright. Rest well and see y'all tomorrow. BE ON TIME. 

-Jessie :-)

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hello Choir! Tomorrow is the 2nd day of the Sec 1 cca tryout so you guys are to report at 2pm at the AV and the Sec 1s will come at 230pm until 4pm. As usual, inform the committees beforehand if you're not coming and bring your MC/Parents letter and submit it to Melanie if you were absent the previous session. and AGAIN, BE ON TIME. I have no idea why some of you guys always have the tendency to come choir late? even though you were dismissed on time... like did you not read the blog? Am I blogging now FOR NOTHING? (': I hope you guys are reading this so I won't feel that my efforts are gone to waste? yup anyways bring your SCORES, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK, PENCIL and jacket if you think you need. Revise through your scores especially your As torrents in summer and also your Bungah Sayang. Write your solfege for the new Japanese song if you have not done so. Pay up your $25 for the dress to Mrs Ang if you haven't pay and pay to me your JANUARY CHOIR FUND $1 :-) and you guys are really chatty and you guys are always not paying attention to whoever is speaking so PLEASE, be respectful and show respect to the person addressing you alright. Rest well and see you guys tomorrow!

-Jessie :-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hello Choir! It's the first day of the Sec 1 tryout tomorrow and it'll be from 3pm to 5pm FOR THE SEC 1. Y'all will have to come earlier at 2.45pm at the AV Theatre and we'll end at 5pm, since the sec 4s had to witness the release of the Olvl results tomorrow so we might be late but that does not mean that you guys are not going to be on time right? Be punctual, show your punctuality so Mrs Ang won't have to nag and nag and nag yup. If you're not coming or coming late, message the committee your reasons BEFOREHAND and submit your MC/Parents letter the next session if you were absent. As usual, bring your SCORES, PENCIL, NOTEBOOK, WATER BOTTLE and jacket if you need :-) entertain the sec 1s tomorrow, try to have fun with them alright!! and also revise through and memorise your BUNGAH SAYANG, AS TORRENTS IN SUMMER and also write your solfege for the new japanese song ya. Bring your $25 if you haven't pay for the new dress and also PAY CHOIR FUND to me for the month of january :-) Rest well and see you guys tomorrow!

-Jessie :-)

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Hello Choir! YALL DID A GREAT JOB FOR CCA OPEN HOUSE WOOOOO okay so there'll be choir tomorrow from 3pm to 6pm at the AV theatre. If you're coming late or not coming please inform the committees beforehand + your reasons and give us your Parents letter/MC. Remember to bring your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you need to. ALSO remember to WRITE SOLFEGE FOR THE NEW JAPANESE SONG YA UNTIL PG 3 and also start memorizing your Bungah Sayang and As Torrents In Summer as the audition is at the end of January okay!!! SO familiarise yourself with all of the songs please ya don't make Mr Wong mad ._. Bring your $25 if you havent pay! and also pay me your January choir fund and for some of you, December ones too. REST WELL and SEE yall tomorrow.

-Jessie :-)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Hello Choir! There'll be choir tomorrow from 130pm to 330pm at the AV theatre! Coming late or not coming due to whatsoever reason just text the committee your reasons and submit your MC/parents letter the next session. Remember you're only allowed 3 parents letters per term and the letters are to be written and signed by your parents so you dont write the letter for them to sign. Like what Mrs Ang said yesterday, Chinese, Malay or even Tamil is fine for her so I expect to see your MC or parents letter without hearing any excuses. As usual, bring your SCORES, PENCIL, WATER BOTTLE, NOTEBOOK and JACKET if you need. Read through your Bungah Sayang and As torrent in summer and try to memorise your Bungah Sayang alright! Don't make Mr Wong angry and start to scold us ya... so do your part :-) Remember to pay Choir fund to me for January and so on okay!! AND bring your $25 for your cocktail dresses if you haven't pay yet. I guess that's it? Rest well and See y'all tomorrow!!

-Jessie :-)