Friday, March 25, 2011

21 Days Left
Finally its the weekend,hows the first week of term 2???For those who have fallen sick,please take care of your health and rest well over the weekend,I hope to see the number of people sitting at the back drop on Monday.21 days left,if you do not recover by then,how are you going to sing for SYF?For those who have been sick for the past few weeks,you guys have miss out on a lot of singing,so please take care of your health.

Can you guys stop complaining,its very irritating.We just make you guys stand to sing the songs for a few times,and after a while,we hear you complaining that your feets are arching.You're not the only one standing right,if others don't complain then can you stop complaining.On the day of SYF,you have to walk around in heels the whole day,if you can't even stand still with school shoes,how are you going to walk or stand a whole day with heels?

The points Mr Wong went through with us yesterday,its not his first time going through them right,example the breathing points for BUTTERFLY,how many times did he repeat when to sing and when not to sing.I really hope that you guys will take time to study your scores over the weekend.

As for your attendance,why is it that other schools can produce better attendance then us?Why do Mr Wong have to come each week and question us about our attendance,by now he should be focusing on our pieces,and not our attendance.I really hope that you guys will reflect on this.
And for the people who turn up,thank you,we really appreciate it.However,I hope that you will give your all for the practice,since your already there,can you try your best to make improvements and remember the points that we told you to take note of,and not repeat them.

21 days left,I hope that we won't spend it scolding you,on things that we have told you before,your attendance,or your attitude.You guys said that you wanted to attain at least a silver,I really hope that you will put in more effort into your singing.We must prove to others that we can do it,don't let them look down on us.Lets all work together to achieve our goal,I know we can do it:)

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