Friday, February 10, 2012


HELLO CHOIR :D thanks for reading this. Anyway i shall try to be interesting. Seems like thats my passion. And anyway this blog has been really really boring right? Tell everyone to get a grip. CCA is supposed to be fun, bond-ish and happy. But i realize we're always doing punishments and always getting scolded. Why?Why so? Its because our discipline is not up to standard. To keep us in check, the commitee has to scream, shout and scold to make sure order is kept. This commitee has the worst disciplined choir ever, to be honest. That is probably our fault but we just don't want to be strict. We know that you'll all the disgusted and annoyed and unhappy, and you'll not enjoy yourselves and go through the long and stupid process of trying to quit choir. DON'T DO IT. Its not worth it. Trust me, choir is fun. We have our fun times. All we need is some bonding and a hell lot more DISCIPLINE. All of you keep chattering away. You need 20 years to process what the com says before you actually do it. Put yourselves in our shoes. Yes. We may appear annoying and scold for nothing, and we are also ill disciplined sometimes, but when its time to get serious, we don't play around or do funny funny things. Serious times are when its time to sing, time for people to look at us and 'judge' us. Somehow. Ohkay anyway i am just super disappointed in your discipline thats all. Please improve. You don't get a lot of talk from Syafiqah about your discipline as well so please do try and reflect. You see this as nonsense but you never know until you try. Try being us for a day. Try keeping everybody quiet and in order for things to start happening. To me, choir at times can get boring. Yes sure, you can talk and have fun with your friends, for example when you're not singing, but be considerate and don't disturb people who are singing. Ok. Ok. Ok. Enough lol. Do practice your song. Yell. Don't be lazy, go to youtube now. Its a beautiful song :) CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR IT. BUT BEFORE YOU GO TO YOUTUBE, Tag now. Say "Piggy is beautiful" GOGOGOGO. :D Ok bye.

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